Twilight Lantern Parade
Join us for a stroll through historic Downtown Denton.
Let’s Illuminate the Night
Imagine a time when a community would get together for a proper celebration, walking the streets in merriment, moving to the beat of the drums. Let our lantern-lit parade bring that magical imagery to life! Don your finest costume, design and build your own paper lantern or puppet, and come join the fun. Winding around the square and surrounding streets, our lantern parade is free and open to everyone.
The Twilight & Costume Parade will line up at Oakland and East Oak streets, facing west.
Join us with illuminated lanterns, glowing costumes, and blinking bikes. Bring your decorated cars, trucks, and floats. Slap some light on a musical instruments or a drum and march with us!
The parade will end at Oakland and E. Hickory and Industrial streets, where you can dance to the last band of the night or get your tickets to Cirque du Horror!
For more information, email parade organizers at parade@dentondayofthedeadfestival.com
Parade Registration
If you’re interested in participating in the Twilight Lantern & Costume Parade, sign up your floats, cars, trucks, bikes, banks, and drummers today! For more information, email parade@dentondayofthedeadfestival.com. Costumed participants simply join the parade at the lineup, no registration necessary.