A Cause for the Community

A Cause for the Community

A Cause for the Community

Our festival wouldn’t happen without Denton’s good-hearted people.

A Celebration of Compassion: Empowering Our Community Together

At the heart of Denton’s vibrant spirit lies a profound sense of community and compassion. Since our inaugural celebration in 2011, it’s been abundantly clear: without the unwavering support of Denton’s kind-hearted souls, our festival wouldn’t be the celebration it is today.


For over a decade, we’ve been privileged to reciprocate this love by supporting local nonprofits. Together,  we’ve woven a tapestry of generosity,  donating $10,000 to organizations dedicated to uplifting our people and enriching education in Denton.


As we embark on another year of celebration, we have a new goal: to extend a helping hand to two remarkable agencies that embody the essence of community service – Serve Denton and Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home.


These agencies tirelessly champion noble causes, from amplifying the impact of local nonprofits to providing nurturing care to at-risk children.


Today, we extend a heartfelt invitation to you, our cherished community members to stand beside us in realizing our vision. Together, let’s rally behind our fundraising endeavor: to raise a total of $10,000 to divide between these invaluable organizations.


With your contributions, we have the power to amplify the work of volunteers, magnify the impact of grassroots initiatives, and illuminate the path toward a brighter future for all. Every dollar donated is a testament to our collective commitment to fostering positive change in Denton.


Every act of giving illuminates a childhood with hope, possibility, and support. Join us in sowing the seeds of compassion and empowerment. Together,  let’s cultivate a community where every individual thrives.


Make your impact felt today. Join us in giving here.